Sunday, November 30, 2008


By the way, next next monday is a holiday! Selamat Hari Raya Haji!

Tennis was fucked up today. Rained, then suddenly SUNNY as fuck, then after a couple of hours of playing, it went back to rain. Fucked up. The only way to end a day of tennis is to play until you can hardly move and then call it quits, not bcos of the fucking rain.

That said, Monday is gonna be a killer. LOTS and LOTS of things to do. Luckily for me, i managed to throw something into admin's court, so it's not my problem anymore. But i have a few site studies to compile and the installation of a few new voltage regulators will have me tearing at my hair.

That said, Vanessa Raxiel Hee has been smsing me the entire day of sunday. Apparently she's gg to GLASGOW and asks if there's anything that i want from there. It occurred to me as i read her sms, with her smilies and her tripledots and the odd flirtatious line... It occurred to me that after all this time... Something in my heart waned, and I came to full emotional realization... I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS IN GLASGOW.

song of the day is "Primavera" by Ludovico Einaudi...


ok so this is the new blog. I know that its SUPER noob design, but i havent go time to get down to editing the html, i'll look into that later.

I'll start by reiterating the events of the recent SITEX exhibition at expo which my jaw dropped in suakuness...

4 GB THUMBDRIVE AT SGD14.90??? WTF mann...

It was zs' idea and i decided to go along since it was better than being in the office on a saturday. Spent most of the exhibition laughing at useless products, like the NEC hybrid com, which is SOOOO confusing, the promoter was confused himself. Fuck that shit. I'll NEVER buy something as useless as that crap. It looks like a tv, but it has a wireless keyboard??!!? And you're supposed to carry it around with the LCD screen exposed??!!?!!?!? If you needed to carry it around - get a laptop. If you intend to leave it at home, get a fucking desktop. No hybrids for me.

I actually ran into 5 SJI guys there. All still school. HAHAHAHA pricks! I WIN!

In the end, we left the event with a thumbdrive each. Yeah, i mean, it's just 14.90, just get one 4GB one lo... and zs was smiling like a hyena in apocalypto as he sported his brand new CREATIVE GIGAWORKS T3.

Ok, now suddenly itchy fingers. Hold on a sec while i download a suitable blogskin from sumwhere. Yes, im cheap and im ready to hijack some elses work to use as my own.