Monday, July 27, 2009

holy sh*t!

Just realized that the number of posts i've made on this blog BEFORE this one - was a grand total of 66!! Hell number in the making! Must post more! To break the cycle of evil!

Anyway, in case u dont know, im down with the flu. So yeah. Woke up one saturday morning and my nose was like the Niagara Falls. But of course, being the stubborn idiot that i am, i didnt care. Still went out with mom, and ate whatever i damn wanted. Along with the icecream and all.

Played on Sunday until my head was spinning and still i didnt stop.

Went to see a doctor on Monday and he gave me 3 days of medical leave - AWESOME. A true gift.

*AHEM* of course, i REAL reason i took m/c leave is bcos i dont wanna pass it on to my co-workers. OF COURSE. I mean, SERIOUSLY, i care abt them ok? Really.

But getting the mc was no easy thing. I was seriously PISSED with the doctor. He looked at me like i was a monday slacker, who just wanted to escape frm a day at the office. (ahem). When i asked him, "Is it the flu?"

He said, "Not sure, but i will put down as the flu ok?"

erm... okaaaaaaaay... "Do you think im medically cleared to work? Bcos my office is small and my colleagues and i work in close quarters."

He looks at me and says, "Well fine. I mean, YEAH, you dont want to infect them too, im sure. So... how many days do you want?"

Asks ME how many days I want? Hey cmon here, bitch, i PAID for your consultation, not for an MC. How dare you talk down to me like that? Like im some kid who wants cookies and you got to give them to me for free. Wat the fuck is this?

Anyway i asked for 2-3 days. (He rolled his eyes and said, "3 lo.")

Watever. Fuck that old piece of shit slimebag who's scrotum has probably shrivelled up and strangled his balls already.

Did some work from home (see? told you i was DEDICATED) and rested. Read up on some items and then left home to play some light tennis with Alan - im convinced that some light exercise helps to cure flu.

Played in hurricane conditions, which is always a challenge. But quit after abt 1hour 15min - it just started to rain and got toooooooooo windy.

Will try again on Wednesday perhaps. Tuesday is for the REAL resting and recuperation (and gym).

Mom says she might come out and visist - she'll bring Butterscotch Bread!!!

And a huge shout-out to peiwen! Thank you for organizing the Road Trip to Malacca!! You are an angel amongst the slacker guys. And thanks in advance to zs, who'll be driving us there. Actually i dont know if i should be thanking him so much as i should be warning him to DRIVE WITHIN THE SPEED LIMIT. Fucking speed demon will get us all killed one day. CHOY! Touch wood ah!

Suddenly in the mood for pancakes - but it's well past closing time. At least i have nutella.

song of the day is "Hoppipolla" by Sigur Ros, an icelandic band. Very nice tunes...

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