Sunday, December 5, 2010

a taste of things to come...

My cousin is getting married soon.

Apparently, this is a new trend. Cousins are getting married all over the place - it's like mayfly season in the fall of Canada. A hundred things to prepare, a thousand things to buy and tens of thousands of things that could go wrong.

One of those things to prepare is - FOOD.

A traditional chinese banquet, no less. Complete with the slaughter of sharks for sharks fin and the disembowelment of a family of crabs - tis an amazing occasion.

My cousin and her husband organize a food-tasting session - to preview the food to come on the wedding day. My parents and I are invited - you dont say no to this kind of thing.

Seated at the table, the first thing my cousins yell out (all 3 of them) is "Omg, Chris you've slimmed down again. HOW??"

I reply simply, "Stress".

Yeah right, you're thinking - but this is no lie. It's truth through and through.

My work life is hectic, unpredictable and leaves me a shell of a man, filled to the brim with frustration and boiling over with pent-up rage and emotion.

YES, it is stress.

It starts with food, again.

My daily routine of food is spread out over 6 small meals every day. I cant afford to eat 3 meals, it takes too much time, it's expensive (i work at the Sands Casino, hello?) and it makes me feel bloated later.

So here it is, for my cousins, and a certain someone who is going on a diet real soon =)

Here are the small meals at various times in the day:


7:00am - Small bowl of Oatmeal and a cup of milk.

*Go to work*

10:30am - 2 eggs and toast. Redbull optional.

130pm - Homemade sandwich (tuna, ham or some kind of meat, with tortilla/pita bread) + 2 apples

430pm - Snack time - A bun, small pau or something to munch on (peanuts?) + small carton of milk. Redbull also optional (hehe)


830pm - Dinner - (Vege soup with ham) / (Salmon+Rice) / (2 eggs + toast + oatmeal)

1030pm - 11pm - Bedtime snack - Muesli bar + Milk


That's the food of the day. And nope, i dont get fits of hunger at all from eating all of that - and it IS a lot, believe me.

The Workout Schedule is also simple. Simply put, I hit the gym every day. Every single day. But not everyday is a killer bustin-my-balls workout. My heavy workout days are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - I stay in the gym for 1.5 hrs. I know a lots of guys (and the occasional chick) in the gym and it's like one big membership club. I've clocked enough gym hrs to be considered a veteran around there.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are "rest" days. I hit the gym back at the condo for only 30-45min tops. Just to work up a sweat and head back for dinner.

Also, I plan my workouts - I dont just do whatever I feel like doing. On the advice of some of my gym pals, I put together a training regiment for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, i'll do a toned down version of the Spartacus workout or the 300 workout. VERY toned down - nothing that will get u saying "Wow".

I also try to eat clean - which is eat whatever u want, just do away with the unnecessary stuff. If i eat, I eat it panfried - not deep fried or marinated and baked or whatever. Just simple stuff. Doesnt mean i dont kick back and wolf down a burger every week after tennis. Hehehe need a little bit home to remind me of what I love.

That's it.

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