Tuesday, April 14, 2009

another invasion...

So im sitting in the office, the container office, and it's hell everywhere. 3M is in full swing (Monday Morning Madness) and im right in the middle of it, making me the 4M (Monday Morning Madness Middle).

Suddenly it's deadly quiet. An odd and eerie noise has penetrated the bustle and rustle of papers and the clanking of morning coffee mugs.

It's the sound of styrofoam being scratched at.

But there's no styrofoam in the office. WTF? Everyone stops working and starts glancing around. It's coming from me. Right ABOVE me.

And looking up, i see that in the corner of the container office, right above me, there's a small hole, about the size of an apple, which the container contractor has affectionately plugged up with styrofoam. And that piece is shaking, scratched away quickly by something.

But Uncle is quick as always. "BIRDS."

And just as he says so, the styrofoam gives way and falls to the ground about a foot from me. And just as predicted, a bird is standing at the hole, obviously surprised that he has found some unlikely treasure.

Now in order to get to this hole, the bird first had to squeeze into a small hole OUTSIDE the container, and then reach this hole (so this means the container is sorta double layered, if u can imagine what im describing). Anyway, the point of this is to show that the bird has NO ESCAPE once he's dug his way through.

Instinctively, i grab a nearby umbrella (yes an umbrella) and hurl it at the bird (this comes from watching Troy). My aim is true. LoLz (i always wanted to say that). And it strikes the bird dead on. In fact, it's so ACCURATE, that it knocks the bird completely out of the container, leaving the umbrella lodged in the hole surrounded by a hollywood-style cloud of feathers.

I make my way outside and peer to the ground. Sure enough, i had killed it. The bird lay there with a look of absolute WTF-ness on its face, dead as a dodo.

My PM was standing right behind me. He patted me on the back and spoke those most cryptic words, "There will be more."

ANYWAY, it was a pretty SCREWED-UP birthday.

Started Thursday morning with moving most of the heavy stuff from the old circuit road apartment to balestier, and breaking for lunch and going for tennis. Then dad's car breaks down, IN SINGAPORE, no less, leaving mom stranded in singapore. And then after a brilliant dinner at Carnivore, Vivo City, zs gets all pussy-like and has to puke his guts out at pw's place and collapse on pw's spare sofa bed, leaving us mahjong-less.


Then i play a lousy day of tennis. Utterly novel. Fucking shit.

And im VERY VERY slow. I just found out about this guy, a mobile phone salesmen named Paul Potts, and i laughed and cried my ass off from watching his original audition session, which brought the entire hall to its feet after opening his butt ugly mouth and coming up with a near perfect opera rendition, all the while almost crying himself. Touching, and funny as hell.

As always, i will keep you posted on the number of birds i eventually kill.

song of the day is "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables...

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