Friday, July 2, 2010

the boss makes a fool of himself, like a boss...

So i walked into the office on a Monday morning fuming like crazy. The reason was simple - my boss is an idiot. And he is hell-bent on proving it - time and time again.

Especially this last couple of weeks, since these are his last couple of weeks on the job. After that it's back to the main HQ, to a nice warm desk and endless fights with paperwork.

Fuck him. Cunt.

Oh well.

Anyway, back to the situation.

What happened is that my office needs to move. Not far - just from the second storey to the first storey. A newer, larger office.

The problem is that - we were supposed to move on Saturday, but the new office wasnt ready. Immediately i said, "ok fine, we'll move on Monday then."

But the boss insists - "No, we move today. Just move all our stuff in there and leave it until Monday to straighten out."

FUCK U. So we're gonna move on Saturday morning. And for the rest of the day, we cant do ANYTHING. No internet, No printers, No telephones, No lights even. Fine. We leave it until Monday. So that means that even if an emergency arises on Sunday, we still have NOTHING to work with. No internet, No printers, No telephones and STILL NOT EVEN BLOODY LIGHTS.

Stupid in its totality and epic sincerity.

Anyway, I took off and moved my stuff on Saturday and then moved off for the rest of the day. Fine, no prob.

I walked into the office on Monday morning. I was late - i had something to do in the morning. But i expected to find the office a whirlwind of activity and organization.


I walked into the office on a Monday morning, and saw, to my complete horror, that NOTHING HAD BEEN DONE. Everyone was LITERALLY standing there with their heads up their ass and feet on the dusty floor. INCLUDING MY MANAGER.

I stand there and heave a huge dusty sigh.

3 more days to payday... 3 more days to payday... 3 more days to payday...

My manager sees me "Ah Chris," as he runs over as he gestures at the mountain of boxes, papers and desks and chairs.

"HOW AH?" he asks.

3 more days to payday... 3 more days to payday... 3 more days to payday...

He had absolutely no idea how to start.

I grabbed a piece of paper and started scribbling out desk layouts and planned locations of the printers. Nothing complicated - just squares and rectangles on a blank slate.

It was sufficient. After which, i passed it to everyone, grabbed the nearest desk and flung it across the room.

"MOVE!" I screamed. I kid you not. I was in such a fowl temper that i was gonna beat anyone who had voiced disapproval. No one did though - and i was disappointed.

After 2 hours of moving stuff, we finally had a skeleton of how the office desks should be.

The boss looks at me, "I think we should setup the printers and internet?"


I dont even reply.

I yell out again, "Everyone find ALL your stuff and put it on ur desk. NOW!"

Once the clutter was cleared, then only did i let the boss setup the printers and internet.

3 more days to payday... 3 more days to payday... 3 more days to payday...

And the best part? When the moving was done, he looks up and smiles, "Not easy to be a Project Manager eh?"

I pick up the nearest staple gun, aim it at him and fire away. Unfortunately, fate being cruel as it is, it was empty. Whatever. Maybe destiny has in store for him a fate crueler than death itself - like endless Twilight re-runs or something.

Oh yeah, fuck twilight. It is a waste of JC Decaux's advertising space. It is a waste of film. It is a waste of popcorn. It is a waste. TOTALLY. There is nothing beneficial about Twilight. I mean it.

And i just saw the A-Team - it's also mindless action - with a puddle deep plot. But it was beneficial - at least it was fun to watch.

Twilight isnt fun to watch. The whole thing screams emo and goth and angst. Angsty angsty ANGST. Fuck angst. Im not gonna pay money to get depressed frm watching a movie which has no warm lighting inside it watsoever.

In other news - i am in the midst of designing and planning out my beast of a desktop. It is gonna be awesome. Build it on Saturday, watch World Cup finals on Sunday nite - Fried nite.

All game? Fuck twilight, deep fried crispy hashbrowns are so much better.

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