Wednesday, June 30, 2010

lightning june summary

It's been quite a while, but all i can say is that lots of stuff has happened.

Firstly is something that happened in the family - my aunt and uncle passed away. My cousin was heartbroken and devastated. And i've been spending more and more time with family to help them all deal with this.

WORK. Work sux as we all know. And it's gonna suck even more than ever now that the handing-over of work has started. Meaning that we're transitioning from Project to Maintenance - which is right up my alley (apparently). It doesnt help that the goddamn director and his cursed account manager are still breathing down my neck over scheduling issues.

PLUS - Sarah's moved in. Good or bad, u decide. Anyway it was fucking hilarious the day she moved in. But i'll save that for another time.

Gotta start preparing for tomorrow's lunch...

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