Sunday, March 29, 2009

keeping hands off...

The trip from singapore back to jb on friday nite was probably the most mentally testing one i've had in a long time.

Picture this, i was on the MRT, heading towards kranji, think i was somewhere between bukit batok and khatib, when the door opened, and the most RIDICULOUS hairstyle flooded my eyes.

And just as expect, it was sitting on the head of a woman - for only have the stones (or lack of) to do something as STUPID as that.

Her hair was all permed, so that it looked like a ball. A ball of wavy and curly hair. But that's not enough. Apparently she couldnt decide if she wanted it long or short, so she divided them up. The short hair (not longer than shoulder length), she PERMED and made it part of that disgusting ball of chicken floss on her head. And whatever grew too long, she STRAIGHTENED. And not only that - it was FUCKING STRAIGHT. The straightest hair i've ever seen.

SO... after much description, i will sum it up for those who cannot picture it. It looked like a fucking JELLYFISH. Totally fucked up.

And then, as if seeing that wasnt enough, later while stuck on a 170 bus going across the bridge, i am confronted by a girl. She looked not bad, figure also not bad. Dressing was also pretty good.

Then she turned AWAY from me. And i saw her back, which was exposed bcos it was one of THOSE types of dresses.

And holy fucking shit.

Right there, almost in the middle of her goddamn shoulder blades...

... was a PIMPLE the size of a peanut.

HOLY SHIT. I wanted to puke, or at least grab something pointed, like a needle, and just pop it.

Of course i didnt - i know how thing like this work. You pop it, it starts spewing out pus, and blood and then internal organs and soon, the girl deflates like a balloon of skin and dies right there on the floor.

So u dont press the pimple.

I was so glad when i got into mom's car that i just fell right asleep. Thank gawd...

Oh and btw, im starting to swim again - since my cousin's (my HAWT cousin's) place, has a swimming pool. Hopefully, this'll help shave off more of those unwanted pounds. I need more exercise.

Song of the day is "The Air that I Breathe" by The Hollies...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 weeks later...

Havent blogged for almost 2 weeks now. And for good reason too.

The tripled workload got to me and i completely shut off from almost everything else. That, coupled with the chaos going on at my apartment, and i was in no mood to even think about blogging. My apologies. I almost forgot i had a blog.

Through it all, only things have been there for me and kept me going day-to-day. My family, specifically my mom. And my tennis. As lame and stupid and as utterly fan-boyish as it sound, that's true.

Having mom looking out for you is an awesome boost, and at the same time, knowing that there'll always be 3-4 hours on sunday where u can beat the shit out of a yellow ball, it's what's been keeping me going.

Thanks mom for being there. And i have to thank zs too, simply bcos he was the only one who said "Fuck care, even if i dont play tennis, let's try play la." He said those words almost 3 years ago in cramped corner in NUS MacDonalds, and im forever grateful that we started playing together.

In the meantime, I realized just a little while ago, just how brutal the job market can be. You can be summoned to your director's office suddenly and be fired, and they wont even allow you to return to your desk to clear out ur stuff and say ur goodbyes, you just... GO. They take you to the lift lobby and you go straight down to the ground floor and its out the door for you. How harsh is that?

So once again, i am grateful. I trully am fortunate that i have a job i can complain about, and friends i can bitch to about my job, how much it sux and how much i wanna quit.

Damn, am i becoming religious???

song of the day is "Simply being Loved" by BT...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

once again, u're doing it wrong...

These days, im seriously considering recommending to my mom to let jasper go to poly instead. The fatality rate isnt as high, seriously. At least in NTU, that's for sure.

One reason why NUS isnt going thru the same shit is bcos just across the highway - there's ITE. So there's always next door. The new Warren campus residential site will most definitely change that. It also helps that NUS is very near Holland V, so there's always some place to chill out. Also there's the mysterious research institutes, which i am convinced are using the bodies of suicide victims for ghastly experiments. If Resident Evil where to really happen, Singapore Style, it would start from there. For sure.

It also doesnt help NTU that its kind secluded, with only a single bus service passing thru this place. The campus is almost empty on the weekends, as zs and i can atest to, so sure... the mind begins to play tricks on u.

Also NUS girls may be more slutty than NTU girls, so stressed out guys can just bone one and suddenly that 2.0 CAP doesnt feel so bad anymore.

But seriously, WTF is happening now?

And im LAUGHING MY ASS OFF as i read an article on the new paper saying that perhaps CAMPUSES ARE TOO OPEN???

Open?? There're as open as an aunties wallet on a saturday morning. (For those who dont get it, saturday is typically when many schools have their Flag Day, now do u geddit??)

Dont make me fucking laugh. The campus is the last refuge of a student after a long hard days work. Some want to just kick back in their undies with the fan on and do nothing. Some want to surf some porn and jerk off a little. Hell, some might just wanna organize a mass orgy. And some might wanna surf terrorist bomb sites (but that's another story).

Watever the case, i know that last thing i want when i get back to my campus room is to worry about being controlled EVEN MORE. We had to deal with our CAP scores, our final year projects, our job interviews, our bidding , our balloting, our other project submissions and about how to suck up to your final year profs. Isnt that enough pressure?? And now u want to have frisking??

HEH. I am glad and proud that many of the staff interviewed labelled these cases as isolated incidents, and the only person who DID recommend increased security was more worried about getting her underwear stolen.

If anything, campus life needs to drop its pants a little. Now hostelites need to stress out about finding 'roles' in their campus, earning points and looking for a place to stay. AWESOME. Just give the rooms to the NON-LOCALS, can? It just makes sense that way. Why would a SINGAPOREAN need a room in NUS?? I dont think the MRT rides are THAT treacherous. And there's always WebCast, u idiots.

Let the PRCs have Old KR - its near to science and engin, where they typically spawn from. Give PGP to the ind*ans, keep them as far away as possible so that the smell of their masala doesnt pollute the air anymore. And give Eusoff to the other foreigners, it always stood up as the most "in-between" of the campuses. And everyone would be happy.

song of the day is "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

long long time ago...

Thanks to the FUCKING MEDIA, my workload is quadrupled.

Thanks to the IDIOTS from the news saying "Hey, they is gonna finish dis casino SooooN ya? Dis Year IZZZIT?", I am now worked to the bone.

Cedric's out with reservist training, which im pretty sure was invented to screw up ur timetable, which means that im taking over his job, since im the only one who has the stones to do it properly.

Document control SUX. It is DA EPIC OF DA SUX!

I submitted 3 documents to MBS, ALL came back rejected. Fuck them. And it was all bcos of a title wrong here and a missing number there. Useless pussies. It is the SMALLEST things that irritate me. Plus, all the resubmissions that have piled up. Cedric couldnt clear them, so its now up to me.

And as if THAT isnt bad enough - the RC (reinforced concrete) walls have been erected all around the casino area, and GODDAMN EDWIN YEO still thinks the situation is rock steady. Good. Let him go and hack RC wall himself then. Motherfucker. Can't he just LEARN quickly? I've brought him all over the site TWICE now. And he can still get lost in his own fucking casino.

Absolutely great. I feel like commandeering a piling machine and piledriving my office into oblivion, with everyone inside.

That aside, the office is actually pretty good. It gives me an excuse to not have anything to do with the office back in paya lebar, where all the dicks are. If when the project is over, i am forced to go back to that shit-hole finance department, i will quit. I swear it. I will fucking QUIT.

Why? Bcos over here, i get respect. I have a role, and i am not redundant. When im not there, things REALLY can't move. And it's empowering. It's empowering to know that there are people counting on u, not gunning for u, like back in finance. Projects rawk. MBSIR rawks. I could work here forever.

Oh and one more thing. FUCK THE RAIN. It really only rains on the weekend. FUCK THAT SHIT. THAT IS SOOOOO FUCKED UP.

song of the day is "Straight from the Heart" by Bryan Adams.