Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 weeks later...

Havent blogged for almost 2 weeks now. And for good reason too.

The tripled workload got to me and i completely shut off from almost everything else. That, coupled with the chaos going on at my apartment, and i was in no mood to even think about blogging. My apologies. I almost forgot i had a blog.

Through it all, only things have been there for me and kept me going day-to-day. My family, specifically my mom. And my tennis. As lame and stupid and as utterly fan-boyish as it sound, that's true.

Having mom looking out for you is an awesome boost, and at the same time, knowing that there'll always be 3-4 hours on sunday where u can beat the shit out of a yellow ball, it's what's been keeping me going.

Thanks mom for being there. And i have to thank zs too, simply bcos he was the only one who said "Fuck care, even if i dont play tennis, let's try play la." He said those words almost 3 years ago in cramped corner in NUS MacDonalds, and im forever grateful that we started playing together.

In the meantime, I realized just a little while ago, just how brutal the job market can be. You can be summoned to your director's office suddenly and be fired, and they wont even allow you to return to your desk to clear out ur stuff and say ur goodbyes, you just... GO. They take you to the lift lobby and you go straight down to the ground floor and its out the door for you. How harsh is that?

So once again, i am grateful. I trully am fortunate that i have a job i can complain about, and friends i can bitch to about my job, how much it sux and how much i wanna quit.

Damn, am i becoming religious???

song of the day is "Simply being Loved" by BT...

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