Wednesday, June 24, 2009

suay or heng?

I lost my wallet on THursday (last thursday) while at the gym. I left on a bench in the men's changing room. THis was at 815pm, safely after office hours. After the workout, I realized it was missing and scooted back to the changing room to find it - 45min later. Couldnt. It was fucking gone.

But i was thinking "Ah, it's all cool, dawg. I mean, it be after office hours and shit, yo. There is bound to be some brother who is cool 'nuff to return the damn wallet. Especially since my wallet aint got nothin' more than S$35."

This passed through my mind smoothly, nigga slang and all. And i made my way down to reception.

No one returned it. The lady at the desk was all like "Yo dawg, u be mad as hell if u is thinking some brother would return yo wallet at this time of nite, yo! Leave me yo digits and I'll dial'em soon as yo moneybag is in my hands."

I was cool wit dat... ... seeing as how she spoke nigga and all.

I didnt get a call back. Not on Friday, not on Saturday, not on Sunday. NO ONE RETURNED IT. I was mad niggarish pissed.

Then on Monday evening, someone called.

"Hey yo, shout-out to Chris, y'all!"

Aite, this be Chris, bietch, wat u calling for? Who is you?

"Hey nigga, wassup, this here's Belinda frm Lum Chang. Im yo NEIGHBOUR, bietch! I got yo wallet!"

Amen, bietch, that's absolutely fly! How'd u get my shit?

" Aite dawg, one o my dudes found it y'all. Found it in a fucking alley drain! Soaked to da bone y'all. And yo money's missing too."

Aye fuck da money, bietch, where my NRIC at?

"Aite, chill dawg, it be there, safe and sound, yo."

Sweet, dawg, sweet.

"Amen to dat, yo. So when u gonna haul ass over here and pick yo shit up?"

I be there tomorrow bietch. How's yo 830?

"I aint got nothin. Be here chillin and shit."

Aite that's fly. I'll be there, dawg.

"Great dawg, peace out."


And just like that, I had gotten my wallet back. A construction worker, with an annual wage comparable to our monthly wage, had seen my wallet lying in a drain, picked it up and returned it to his supervisor.

And this leads me to that one single conclusion - that construction worker displayed more integrity and righteousness than the decorated Certis CISCO armed escort officer.

Fucking unbelievable. I hate my company.

Had dinner with zs and jw yesterday. Been a long time - and joonwin has lost even more weight, if that's even possible. Freaky but funny shit.

Song of the day is by Gavin Degraw, called "Chariot".

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