Saturday, November 7, 2009


The movie Donne Darko is a mind-fuck. Plain and simple. I mean, usually i'll find out about a movie i like, then before i watch it in a cinema or whatever, i'll check out the storyline on Just to see if its GOOD enough to actually warrant me paying money for it.

Usually, i'll find out exactly what i need to know. Is it in English? Who are the actors? Is the story lame? Any sex? Any violence? Any Optimus Prime (u gotta have Prime in there)? How does it end? Is it a meaningless piece of crap where the protaganist goes thru all this shit, then in the end DIES? WTF?

I tried this with a movie i heard about - Donnie Darko. It's the weirdest sci-fi story i have ever watched. And yes he died in the end. But it was different this time. Even after reading the spoilers, i was as confused as ever. Watched it. And i was still mind-fucked.


Go watch it.

Donnie Darko.

Jena Malone is hot too.

Once again, Friday is maddening rush for reports to prep for Saturday's Presentation. While i am playing a piano concerto on my laptop, the other SMs are scurrying about. This Friday is one to be remembered. The hopeless look on the Project Manager was one to remember. Eyebrows raised and mouth agap. I wish i had taken a picture.

Then i swoop in and save him. And he's all like "Thank you thank you thank you." Of course, the info was there all along. I just knew where to find it. This is what you get when u actually PAY ATTENTION during the seminars...

... which is highly amusing bcos i never paid attention in my uni days. I was the first one, first out - as in LIGHTS OUT. I'd be there at 830am, before the lecture starts, with my coffee and notes, and i remembered taking a long gulp of the strong coffee and immediately breaking out into a yawn.

Ironic that the person who sleeps, is now attending the most meetings and doing most of the documentation. I should go back to that chinese temple and let the monk know that someone fucked up my fortune telling.

As per the discussion with Nicholas (our director), the other day, which lasted WELL past 10pm, I will most likely be shifting my focus towards HIS assignments. Mostly, progress tracking, PrimaVera programming and claims. Basically, MONEY. I hate dealing with money - bcos its always so messy and pple are always DICKS when it comes to stuff like that. Operations - fine. Administration - fine. Finance? Fuck that.

But i will be going in the that direction. So fuck it. Here we go.

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