Monday, November 2, 2009

tic toc tic talk...

All this while i've heard of pple with Tourette's syndrome. And we've all seen the films on Southpark or on youtube watevea... Pple who rhythmatically let out uncontrollable bursts of vocabulary, usually obscene remarks.

So a guy with Tourette's would walk down the road and let out a "FUCK!" or "SHIT!" every 10 seconds or so.

And i knew this was FAKE. I mean, it's a motorised muscule function. I dont think there's such a mechanism for those SPECIFIC words. I would prefer to think that the human body doesnt have a specific function for use only for "FUCK!"

But i was WRONG.

Finally got a first hand glimpse at a real life Tourette's patient.

Was standing in the MRT when this guy walks in, dressed in a thin t-shirt with another shirt over it, carrying a laptop. Looked utterly normal, except that i noticed he was twitching.

Oh yes.

Twitching like you see in the movies when a guy is hearing ghostly voices and going crazzzzzzzzy from them. Something like that. Strange. And i was preparing myself physically for the potential situation where I might have to fight off a psychotic lunatic who was tuning into the Sadako soundtrack.

Then came the first outburst, or tic as the call them in Tourette's vocab.

"Fuck!" he screamed, immediately with a muffled apology. And the best part is - Tourette's is made WORSE when the patient is stressed.

5 seconds later - "Shit!"

5 seconds later - "Uargh!"

5 seconds later - "Fuck!"

5 seconds later - "Ssh-shit!"

And a stream of continuous vulgarities separated by the exact 5 second delay. He makes a good clock, but not the kind u want in ur childrens' bedroom.

Anyway, he got off at the next stop (Orchard), so beware of Tourette's. It's real. And pretty fucking hilarious too.

Back to work.

Tennis was awesome btw.

Ice cream too. Bought 3 quarts of Baskin Robbins over the weekend back in JB. Hopefully it'll help bring jasper and oliver back home.

Flavors are inspiring too. I have a talent for picking icecream flavors they say.

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