Monday, March 22, 2010

rain and crabs

The first wave of consultants and interior designers have entered the casino site. And just as the name implies, most of these "interior designers" are... well... women. A breath of fresh air indeed.

After all this time, i must say, I have come to a spectacular conclusion - women in safety boots look really sexy.

Anyway, FUCK THE RAIN - rained on tennis for 2 weeks in a row now. Im suffering from withdrawal and have confined myself to my room playing Mass Effect and Fallout 3... And still, the satisfaction is merely... consolatory. I just want to go to a tennis court and serve serve serve for a few hours on. That in itself would be bliss.

Dad's flying off soon. And of course, he'd like to have some REAL crab before he does so. Our attempt to satiate that area of hunger kinda failed on Sat nite, when we headed to our usual crab restaurant, only to find that they were serving REALLY SMALL ones... disgustingly small ones. We had 5 of them, and STILL it wasnt enough.

The plan is to have dinner some time this week at Long Beach. Dad will not be stopped, and heaven help us that dad should leave home without his fill of chilli crab - every appliance would self-combust spontaneously.

And speaking of dad, all this talk of me wanting to get my own desktop has got him in a bit of, well, desktop envy. He hasnt come out and said it outright, but when u've lived in the same house long enough, u know these things.

He wants a new desktop TOO. And he wants it BEFORE i get mine.


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