Tuesday, April 27, 2010

quick breath

Yeah it's been *that* long since my last post, but a string of midnight shifts, last minute "urgent" requests and rescuing pple from electrically locked doors puts a big strain on the human mind, body and soul.

The Marina Bay Sands opened today. And all site work was halted for this one day. Work will resume tomorrow, but at least that gave me a little time to breathe and write at least this blog entry. And thanks to sze li for taking up a good 4 hours of my free time... Hehehe jking - it was fun.

Humans are pretty stupid. We have system setup - called the Mantrap setup. Basically it consists of 2 interlocked doors. You go through one door and enter a room, with another door at the other end. Unless the door behind you closes, you wont be able to open the next one. Simple right?

Well apparently not, people still get *trapped* in these Mantraps, bcos they're too screwed in the head to realize that the door behind them is still open. And they call us, screaming "HELP ME! IM TRAPPED!!" Well, that's why it's called a ManTRAP, hello?? It's supposed to trap out the RETARDS.

Marina Bay Sands staff are also idiots, they demand for everything, but when we ask for specifics, they have no idea what they want - except that they want it by tomorrow.

Havent been hitting the gym a lot. Getting fat. Havent been playing tennis either - slowly going crazy already.

And the project phase is ending - time to start the next phase of maintenance. That'll kill me - and I might consider switching jobs.

We'll see.

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