Tuesday, May 26, 2009

stop kidding yourself...

Just admit it la.

Your son did it.

There is NO WAY in hell that it COULDNT have been him.

It's not about whether or not he did do it or not, but it's just that there are NO OTHER ALTERNATIVES to explain what happened. Is it possible that Widj*j* walked into his prof's office while the prof was masturbating and was thus attacked by a knife wielding prof, desperate to hide his sick obsession, but underestimated the polite young indonesian and was disarmed and counter-stabbed (yes i just invented that word), leading him to flee the office. And overcome by the mental damage of seeing his prof jerking off, young lad Widj*j* throws himself off a building.

Does that sound even REMOTELY possible? NO WAY, except the part abt profs masturbating, which im sure they do, bcos they can, and their offices are usually so quiet and comfy, plus free internet access... temptation...

ANYWAY, there are no other alternatives to explain what happened.

Just remember, a little while ago, 2 quiet, polite kids picked up guns and shot up a school in the US.

THERE WERE ALL ONLINE GAMERS. The 2 kids in the US were obviously Counterstrike fans (they used guns remember?). And THUS, we can deduce that Widj*j* was a WORLD OF WARCRAFT fan (he used a knife).

Most likely chose to be an Undead character too, which is why he jumped, fully expecting him to "live" through it. Which of course he didnt. But that's strange isnt it? I mean, if Undead are already DEAD, then why is it in the game, they still kena damage when they jump off a high cliff?? It doesnt make sense.

I will now make a reference to THIS, which should give some POSSIBLE SCENARIOS for what happened.

Let's think M Night Shayamalan.

In typical Shayamalan style, most likely, it will turn out that the injured and recovering prof is actually the REAL Widjaja. The evil prof found a way to SWITCH BODIES with his young indo student. And then tried to kill the real student, but he got away. He then realized that it SUCKED to be an indo kid in sg, with a warcraft character who specialized in gay-ass botany and killed himself. Sixth sense anyone?

Or perhaps we'll go with the classic LOTR ending. EAGLES saved him. We just dont know it yet.

Or perhaps Naruto. It wasnt Widj*j*, it was just a KAGE BUNSHIN!!

Either way, it'd be retarded to continue to deny it - your son attacked a prof. At least he had the balls to try something like that. He failed though. A miserable FAILURE, but at least he tried.

Or perhaps he was just a lost lonely soul, looking for companionship in an online world that had become so warped with his own reality that the concept of death-rebirth became second nature. And thus, spurred by the pain of a loss in scholarship, and disappointment of his parents, he took to vengeance. Just as a computer gamer will naturally seek out the monster that killed him before, he sought out the prof whom he blamed and tried to take matters into his own hands, believeing that he had been wronged academically, and that he deserved vengeance. And faced with the reality of his actions, his heart bulged with the guilt and reality of what he had done - he had attacked a fellow innocent human and had stained his family's reputation forever. Unable to bear the guilt, he took flight, and like the ambitious but blind Icarus, he fell. He fell to his doom.

Or maybe God did it.

Argue as you will.

Think about all the possible alternatives, and the reality becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR.

song of the day is "Your Call" by Secondhand Serenade...

Monday, May 25, 2009

freshly baked...

I cannot remember the last time I felt *that* excited before a match. Eventhough i had faced this same guy countless times. The difference was that, this time, i had something to prove to myself.

Over the past few months, my focus had shifted, and so did my game. Slowly, the scored crept up. A long time ago, i had beat this friend of mine 6-0. A score that is defined in tennis as a Bagel.

A week later, it was 6-1, called a Breadstick, but it still didnt matter.

Then came a short couple of days in which, i pulled a muscle in my lower back. Not a big issue. Just a minor strain from the gym. I could still move and walk and lift, i just had to take a short break from serving.

When i came back, the serve felt good. But i was wrong. When my friend and i played a match again, i found myself struggling. My serve... lacked bite. It wasnt heavy. It wasnt fast. Hell, it wasnt even that accurate anymore.

And coming from a guy whom my fellow tennis khakis called "Mr Sampras" (im not kidding), it was heartbreaking.

I won that match 6-4. It was CLOSE. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo close that even when i had won, i didnt know it. I was still in minor panic mode. Neve before had i been afraid to serve. This time, it was bad.

The reason was simple, the minor sprain on my back was still in my head. Eventhough i was fully recovered physically, mentally though, i was no where.

And that's where Friday came in. Towing my bags to nus, in the blazing hot sun, the heat exhaustion made me forget that i had ever had a back problem.

And on Sunday, it all came back. Serve after serve after serve. It felt great. It felt GOOD.

The score was back at 6-0. But all credit to my friend, he was a real challenge.

Time to bake more bagels.

And for some reason, the day after, which was a Sunday, saw me UNNATURALLY fresh in the morning. Like i just had a good fuck the night before.

Song of the day is back to "Falling Down" by Oasis. I cant stop listening to that song. It is awesome

Saturday, May 23, 2009

fried but not fried

Took leave on Friday. Not a public one, but a personal one.

Woke up at 10am to a plethora of emails on the blackberry, which was vibrating so much, it was almost drilling a hole in my desk. Answered most of them and returned to bed.

Woke up again at 11am. Had a shoddy breakfast of toast and eggs and stoned for an hour or so.

I cannot tell you how good it feels to be able to stone on a weekday. Stoning during a weekend is easy - it's ur right, so you dont feel anything. Stoning on a weekday... that's a PRIVILEGE.

At 1pm, i packed my bags and headed down to nus. Practiced serve in the hot blazing sun for about 3 hours. As crazy as it sounds - it was highly therapeutic. And by the end of the session, i was dead beat, from heat exhaustion, physical exhaustion and near dehydration.

Got back home and just nice ran into Jasper who was also coming back from school. It was then that we made a horrendous discovery.

The kitchen was leaking. And the guestroom too. BLACK WATER. Fucking haunted house la. BLACK WATER??

Anyway, turns out the black water is from the resin of the parquet floor. Plus the mattress on the floor of the guest room was soaked through. Had to throw it out. HAWT cousin mei ling, spoke god's name in vain, "OH MY GOD!" when she saw the epic.

Had to crawl into the roof to shut off the water supply. No water in the kitchen for the next couple of days. FUCKING A.

Means no washing machine. Means no washing clothes. Hell is here. And it smells like socks.

song of the day is "Stuck with each other" by Akon and that other chick...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ground-breaking shit...

And in the news, parents and students have been left in a state of panic. Futures are at stake, apparently, and it smells of injustice. Suffering innocents lift their hands to the sky, pleading for salvation and crying out in unison...


In the meantime, Japan is suffering from swine flu outbreak, India's Tamil Tiger threat is finally "resolved" and Africa is still going hungry as usual.

And all we can worry about HERE, in sunny Singapore, is the unavailability of TYS so their children can study for exams. Lol...

Parenting Epic Failure!!

In light of my recent match with a Mr Choo Liang Kwang, I have deciede to revert to the old style. I have just added a ton of lead to my racquets and have made plans to revert frm full gut to a mid-range tension gut hybrid. It's time to bring back the breadsticks and bagels.

Song of the day is "Falling Down" by Oasis...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

midnight madness... kinky

Where have I been for the last few days?

Let's just say that I am now in a world of hatred for Mountbatten square.

Basically, MBS setup a training centre there and we were commissioned to install some locks and the security system.

TONS OF BLOODY PROBLEMS. Why'd they have to use all the newest shit that isnt even properly tested yet? Why'd they have to connect them in a configuration that only works THEORETICALLY, but never tested?? WHY FUCKERS WHY????

I guess that answer will never be solved.

Left that centre at 1030pm on Monday. Left it at 0100am on Tuesday. Left it at 12 midnight on Wednesday.



More than half my week... all GONE now...

song of the day is "Falling Down" by Oasis...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

fail bus...

Have you guys seen this shit? It looks like a bus, but is in fact made of utter RUBBISH.

I'm talking about "new" buses that SBS has dumped onto the road to make our lives miserable. As if waking up in the morning isn't bad enough, as if getting screwed by ur boss isn't bad enough, as if being stressed out by your work isn't enough, they had to go and put that monstrosity on the road.

The bus is hideous. It has less seating space those fucking coffins we used to travel across the causeway in - yes the dreaded mini-Bas Sekolah. Stupid. And the SEATS ARE SO UNCOMFORTABLE. It's like they were cut out from old toys that were glued together.

The seats are seated in a SLOPING fashion - FOR FUCK??? It's not a fucking cinema! I don't want to watch old women struggling onto the bus, or watch old men grope little girls. I dont wanna see that shit! Fucking useless bus!

As if that isnt enough, when you walk onto the bus, the first thing you see behind the driver is a lump of mechanical CANCER. WHY IS THERE A HUGE METAL CUBE IN A BUS??? Getting rid of that thing alone adds about 3 rows of seats.

WE NEED MORE TIBS BUSES!! For some reason, i've always managed to fall asleep in a TIBS bus. Those bendy buses have a knack for rocking you to sleep, with their cloth seats and super cold air-con. THAT is how buses should be like - not this CRAP from SBS.

Fuck SBS. The engineers there are utter retards.

Also, in other news. Regarding Marina Bay - It wasnt me.

More to come later.

Song of the day is "Kiri" by Monoral...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

how low... how low... can i slide?

An exceptionally SUCKY day, where Starhub has once agian, FAILED miserably.

Their mobile broadband crap has FAILED, rendering our entire office without internet, and hence we are severely crippled. Work can't be done. Things can't be submitted. And most importantly, MOST IMPORTANTLY, Email can't be read - which in industrial terms, amounts to a mortal sin.

Calling Starhub, i get a completely clueless guy trying to reassure me amidst the torrent of screaming and shouting in the background. Believe me, if u want to reassure someone, dont have people in the background screaming "Holy Shit, why is this happening? That shouldnt be RED? And what's that siren for?"

Anyway, guys, pls visit Ooki Taiyuki at Raffles City, #B1-49. Look for orange GLASS.

Speaking of cooking, there was a FIRE on Monday. The 7th storey apparently went up in flames, initiating screams and crowds of onlookers. Jasper was trapped outside until the fire was put out, then he did the best possible thing - went back and went straight to sleep.

Nothing touched us on the 20th storey, except some black smoke and a little ash. I TOLD jasper not to leave his PURE WHITE LEVI SHOES outside. Now covered in soot. I hate to say i told you so, but i told you so.

song of the day is "Touch My Hand" by David Archuleta. I swear - he's the ugliest thing on Earth, but he has some nice lyrics.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

making the most of it...

And so it's happened. We finally managed to get rid of Max, for a year at least.

We met up at Suntec City, zs, max and I, for some good ol' Sizzler, the likes of which zs has never tried before - this is, to me, a cardinal sin. One who has not eaten at Sizzler has not known temptation and henceforth i will declare that all rites of passage into christianity must be held at a Sizzler.

We sat down with zs complaining like a little bitch. "so hot la"... "menu so few choice"... and wateva. Anyway, max had had enough.

"Let me intro you to the salad bar."

That shut zs up until main course arrived and of course, there was ice cream. As zs got back to his seat, he uttered his grudging approval. "This place is pretty good after all."

Anyway, what followed was 2 more days of tennis.

In total, we played 3 days of tennis, all conditions that can only be described as HELLISH. Hot as hell, which made the balls move faster and stamina flowed frm the body like sweat.

I think my hands will not be able to hold another racquet for the next few days. Which means that by next week, we'll be OK! Hhahaha...

In other news, WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH A.W.A.R.E.???

Absolutely shitty. It's like we have a mini-Thailand here.

One thing i don't understand is there isnt an AMARE? Why isnt there an Association of MEN for Action and Research??? WHY?? You know why? The simple truth is that there is a reason why NIKE is such a popular brand. JUST DO IT. Which is a short version of a man's viewpoint when referencing Action and Research - JUST FUCKING DO IT.

If you want to ACT... If you want to RESEARCH... JUST FUCKING DO IT. You don't need an association. Let's just blow up the fucking AWARE building now and be done with it. Fuck that shit - we dont need that drama here. Let the women get it done by themselves.

After all, women CAN get it done by themselves, rite?? Women are the equals of men RITE? SO? So they can jolly well do what the men do too.


In other news, Nadal is king of clay. Novak will not be able to do shit.

song of the day is "Your Call" by Secondhand Serenade...

Friday, May 1, 2009


WTF is ORANGE alert??

I know RED alert, I know Yellow alert, but WAT DA FUCK IS ORANGE ALERT?

Why do they keep coming up with new colors of alerts that are just so fucking CONFUSING? Different colors dont help ok. Blue alert isnt anymore distinguishable from indigo alert or navy alert.

Not exactly RED, but not exactly Yellow? MAKE UP UR MINDS.

WTF is ORANGE alert??

Is it when you are too pussy to admit that its red alert?

Anyway, thanks to wateva alert that is, im more or less stranded in office and in singapore. Though the govt allows us to travel, Marina Bay Sands is a different story. Apparently those mexican buns we eat in the morning REALLY are from mexico, so anyone who travels overseas or whatever will be quarantined for a week.


What the fuck is ORANGE alert again??