Wednesday, December 23, 2009

storys from beyond balestier...

I highly recommend running at night to anyone who loves a good ghost story. It's quite an experience, especially when you're tired. Not physically - physically, u're fine, bcos u just sat in an office all day long doing little to no hard labour at all. But MENTALLY, u're a wreck - tired and all, judgement is all whoozy and preception is a little taxing on the brain.

And when u're running, and ur heart rate's jumping, but u're mind is all weird and unbalanced. That's when u start seeing things. I mean, just tonight, i thought i saw a little girl sitting on swing in the park as i was running past. A quick turn of the head and nope, no one there.

Sent a chill up my spine. Running speed increased by about 12%.

And as I was doing pullups at the park gym, out of the corner of my eye, I thought i saw someone sitting on a tree branch in the distance. Later confirmed to be an umbrella.


It was a fucking UMBRELLA. ELLA ELLA ELLA... In a tree. Looks like Mary Poppins isnt immune to lightning after all.

Didnt matter, I run the hell outta there. Running speed increased by an additional 20%.

And the lights play tricks on u. A car coming from behind, shines it headlights on me and on the wall to my left, it looks, for a split second, like a dog is about to pounce on me. Turns out it was a cat. It failed. And i killed it. Hehe...

And as i close out the last 200m, i think i can see black figures lined up against a fence near the Singtel building. Probably disgruntled iPhone subscribers.

And then i reach my aparment and as I enter the gate a swarm of the most hideous women appear and float past me, cackling and giggling like banshees on a howling spree.

I rub my eyes. Turns out they're real.

Oh, it's the prostitutes. CHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey...

Merry Christmas btw. *grinz*

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