Saturday, January 31, 2009

the lead-up and a new thing to buy...

Ok so CNY was pretty okay. Not as noisy as the previous years', but still fun nevertheless.

Now on to the current. As you all know, i have a new laptop. A company laptop. Well, it's made me realize something. It's better than the one i currently have at home.

Now on to the CONSUMERISM part.

I want a new laptop. I want one. A new one. Something that i can at least play some DECENT games on, like F.E.A.R or something that has 3D graphics in it. Im sick of plain ol' NOTHING to play on my laptop bcos my HDD is already full. All 80GB of it. And in case you dont know, 80GB is NOTHING in today's world.

I'm targetting a 17" LCD screen laptop, with 4GB RAM, a Core2Duo processor greater than 2.0GHz, with a fucking dedicated graphics card and 320GB HDD space. And all this... for LESS than SGD2000.


I'll give you a moment to think about that and come back to it later.

Today's tennis was the most exciting shit i have played in a long time. To be honest, i was off-form and LK was ON-FORM, this equals EPIC upset in the making.

But no, he didnt beat me. But he made me look really STUPID at times, which is the highest compliment i will ever give to someone.

I still won. but it was CLOSE. 6-4. I need to play more.

BUT... that won't happen AGAIN. Bcos the Sixeff gathering's been pushed FORWARD to this sunday... which means... haiz... no tennis... AGAIN... gawddamnit... why does shit always happen?

Also, last week was awesome, almost ALL the bosses were on leave... and this spells MAJOR and BlATANT slackerage from the entire department, which is always cool and shit. I actually saw one of my engineer bring a pillow to the office and lay it on the table and slept right there after lunch. Oh well, nothing to do i guess. That's great.

Now, back to the laptop.

YES, it is possible. In fact, I just randomly surfed Dell's website again just to put it together... and YES... it will cost SGD1938. Whoopee-fucking-doo. Let's do it!

song of the day is "A Little Too Not Over You" by David Archuleta...

Friday, January 30, 2009

new toys again...

Blogging from a brand new company laptop.

The model is a Lenovo R400. Everything is golden, ESPECIALLY bcos the IT department had a problem installing Roadwarrior on this laptop.

Basically, Roadwarrior is a hardware that allows this laptop to be enabled by insertion of a smartcard. This system also allows the IT department to track what programs im installing or whatever... so WITHOUT it, im practically FREE. Thank gawd the are idiots.

The only downside is that the laptop has PATHETIC memory. It has only a pathetic 1GB of RAM. I need more to run AutoCad, which is the MAIN reason why i asked for a company lappie.

I'll plug in a spare one that my dad has, maybe, or maybe just invest in a module myself, since it's pretty cheap nowadays. See how bah!

Oh yeah, and the screen is bigger than my old one - i think...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

me, myself and I hate repetitions...

Do you know to act cute? And no, not BEING CUTE, but ACTING CUTE. If you want to BE cute, just dress nice and smile more and be a little more sarcastic. ACTING cute however, has nothing to do with dressing up nice, or smiling, or having some gray matter up there under your dented skull.

ACTING CUTE is all about WORDS.

Yes words.

And more specifically, REPETITION OF WORDS.

Allow me give an example. The following is a perfectly NORMAL paragraph of words.

I was damn pissed off with the boss. He had the nerve to pile on tonnes of work on my desk. And the next minute, he was scolding me for not contributing enough work. So i snapped. I grabbed my pencil and drove it into his eye. I twirled it around to scramble his brains, sending him into spasms that reminded me of a dying chicken. After vomiting and pissing his pants, he finally collapsed on the floor and died like the bitch that he is.

Ok, that's all for that. I will now make a few minor changes and transform this paragraph into a pile of utterly fake cuteness. OBSERVE.

I was damn damn damn pissed off with the boss, can? He hor (WHORE?), had the nerve to pile pile pile tonnes of work on my desk. And the next minute, he was scolding me for not not not contributing enough work. So i snapped snapped snapped lo. Hee hee hee... I grabbed my pencil and drove it into his eye. Tee hee hee... Me, myself and I twirled it around to scramble his brains, sending him into spasms that reminded me of a dying dying dying chicken. After vomiting and pissing his pants, he finally collapsed on the floor and died like the bitch that he is. So gross. *squeals*

That is called ACTING CUTE. AND STOP CAMERA WHORING. I would be ashamed to be a pixel these days, bcos these days, pixels are used for nothing more than meaningless scenary with apparently "DEEP" emotional significance to the photographer. Repeated FAILED photographs, which are pictures of a few people, but one person goofing off and rendering the photo a FAILURE, are not something to be proud off. The next picture should show everyone else beating the shit out of that ass for screwing up a perfectly good shot.

You know how long it took to get my hair like that and find the perfect angle of my face with the light?? Fucking bastard.

oh yeah, GUESS WAHT??

I just see an ocean, you asshole. I dont "see" anything else in that plain shot of the indian ocean. Dun bluff la. I bet it's just macritchie and u photoshopped out the trees la. I dont care if u cried while thinking about your life while sailing on a fucking cruise ship with ur gf. For all i know, you're lying about the gf bcos I DONT SEE A SINGLE PIC OF HER. Hahahha!! No evidence at all? Or is ur gf ur HAND? Hahahahhahahahahaa...

Stop wasting pixels. They are ashamed of you. Seriously.

Just burn that camera. If only makes you look stupid.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

circle of chaos...

So we got a new member, but he's green like the Amazon and has no idea how to start in this project. And since the rest of the team is out with their respective meetings, im stuck with lecturing and guiding the new guy, as well as the struggling edwin.

Edwin is not so bad, he's 55, and is so deeply rooted in his operations that switching to a project is difficult.

I realized straightaway that project work is different of operations. In project work, you CREATE and IMPLEMENT, in ops you PREVENT and IMPROVE. In project work, you work at your own pace and deliver on deadlines, in ops, you are expected to deliver every day.

The perfect metaphor would be moving 1 TON of rock over 100m.

In OPS, this 1 TON of rock is divided into 1000 equal weighing pebbles. What you have to do is flick each one, one by one, everyday. You have make sure u never lose track of one, and make sure that they all go over their obstacles smoothly.

In PROJECTS, this 1 TON of rock is simply a 1 TON BOULDER. You've got to move it over 100m. It will move. But it's gonna be SLOW and take lots and lots and lots of work.

In projects, there's FOCUS. In ops, each task is relatively easy.

In projects, you can start work late, but leave the office LATE. In ops, you MUST start work early, but you may leave the office early.

Which do you prefer?

song of the day is "Unbeautiful" by Lesley Roy...

Monday, January 12, 2009

a youthful observation...

Young people are prone bouts of abnormal behaviour. I am no exception, provided, of course, that i am STILL considered young. Am I?

Young people are prone to tests of faith - similar to what hindus go through during thimithi. Firewalking. Except that young people prefer to conduct these test of faith on beaches, where the sand is FLAMING HOT. As such these youth will walk on these burning sands, showing no signs of pain, EXCEPT only when a picture is being taken. When such a picture is taken, the youth will then jump into the air, like a FUCKING humpback whale as it beaches.

This is one observation.

Young people are also prone to tribal rituals, which typically involve the spiking of ones hair. Whoever's hair is the TALLEST, is thus the chief of the tribe, and henceforth, is entitled to "ALL DA BITCHES HE DAMN WELL WANTS'... ... apparently. Tests results prove otherwise though.

A species of dark skinned young people are more... how do i say it... PRAGMATIC in their approach to spiked hair. They design and don oversized caps. These oversized caps provide enough room to ensure that the spiked hair is kept standing and untouched. Also, these caps elongate the head, making it look like they have a larger brain, and hence, more intelligence. However, they tend to forget that the cap is KNIT material and is thus SEE THRU, so people can see how utterly their attempt at looking good FAILS! FAILS! PHAILS!!!!!!! EPIC FUCKING FAILURE!!

This is another observation.

Tune in next week for more such observations. We will investigate the lift phenomenon and the EZ-link card paradox.

Song of the day is "Without You" by Hinder...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

a 5min promotion...

There is a room in our office labelled as the "CTO's office". Our Chief Financial Officer's gargantuan office. However, due to the nature of the his work, the CTO is seldom in the office. In fact, sometimes we almost forget that he exists. Seriously.

So what is it used for currently?

Well, its the home of our MBS project, actually, here, we store and house mock-ups and the rest of the equipment involved in the project.

And most importantly, we need its TABLE. He has a HUGE table, perfect for those A1 sized drawings of hotel wings and such.

So today i was at work, alone, inside the CTO's office, reading over a pile of drawings and making markings and typing entries into my com. And i was in a particularly FOUL mood. I had stayed in the office almost the whole day yesterday until a grand 9pm plus and today i was stuck here again.


Anyway, im sitting there fuming in my pants, when the door bursts open. Standing at the door is a young man with a sling bag. He is surprised that im there. But why should he be? I work here, dont I. Piece of shit.

"Andwhaddayoowant?" I hiss at him.

He stares at me, stares at the side and bows.

"Sorry sorry sorry."

Then he disappears, closing the door as he goes.

5 seconds later, the secretary opens the door and sees me. Then starts laughing.

5 seconds later, the senior engineer comes in and sees me. Then starts laughing.

Turns out the young guy who had burst into the office earlier was a contracted engineer, sent here to retrieve something from the pile of equipment in the corner.

Little did he know that the "CTO" was in the office. Hahahaha... I had to go out there and let him into the room. And even after i told him i was just an engineer, he was all meek and shit. Hehe... bloody good shit.

Now back to work, Noob...

song of the day is "Realize" as sung by John Nathaniel...

chao du lan...

I stayed up working until almost 10pm plus for the past 2 nights.

I answered all that bastard's emails even when he emailed at past midnight.

I delivered the goddamn results first thing in the morning.

I am the one who is arranging for all the courses and prepping the newly joined engineer.

And you're calling me a NEWBIE??

Bastard. Asshole. Son of a bitch. In fact, not even son of A bitch. He's probably son of THE bitch, the biggest bitch in the whole world. Dare to laugh in my face when he demands that i work on saturdays. Fuck him.

I hope he falls into a concrete mixer and gets all fucked up.

song of the day is "Forever" by Chris Brown...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok, ok so the holiday weeks are over and its back into full fledged work AGAIN.

The first thing that appeared this week was the Blackberry. Oh yesh. And just as they predicted, after about a day of usage, i was ready to dump it.


POURING OUT OF THAT GODDAMN THING. And yeah, after a while, u really feel that walking into a tunnel to block out the signal. The only upside to this is that my scheduled lesson for this week was CANCELLED.

Here's the lowdown. Each and every engineer in the company is required to conduct a training lesson for the technicians, regardless of how STUPID he is. I didnt prepare mine. And i was rushing thru it like a madman, when Lai Heng dropped the bomb.

"No need."

Excellent. I deleted it. Straight. Even emptied my recycle bin.

We have a new addition to the project, Faizal Rahmat. He will replace the reluctant Ah Heng, who was ready to throw in the resignation letters if he was forced into this. He said that he needs time to be with his children now, and this project will compromise that. Totally respectable. And i loved how he was dead serious about it.

"You have to dedicate time to this project."

"Then liddat I resign lo."

And the boss thought he was kidding. Until he repeated it. Again and again and again. Then he was taken seriously. Amazingly, his persistence won. Boss withdrew him from MBS and threw Faizal in. Poor Faizal. It sux to be the last member to get in.

Spent most the day playing with the blackberry, adding names to the address book and changing all the gay-ass ringtones. I think i'll even buy a Micro SD card so i can put some songs into it.

Then i can enjoy looking serious.

Song of the day is "Gotta Find You" by Shane Gray... I KNEW it sounded familiar. The song is good, eventhough the movie Camp Rock is lamer than a crippled kangaroo with osteoperosis.