Tuesday, January 13, 2009

circle of chaos...

So we got a new member, but he's green like the Amazon and has no idea how to start in this project. And since the rest of the team is out with their respective meetings, im stuck with lecturing and guiding the new guy, as well as the struggling edwin.

Edwin is not so bad, he's 55, and is so deeply rooted in his operations that switching to a project is difficult.

I realized straightaway that project work is different of operations. In project work, you CREATE and IMPLEMENT, in ops you PREVENT and IMPROVE. In project work, you work at your own pace and deliver on deadlines, in ops, you are expected to deliver every day.

The perfect metaphor would be moving 1 TON of rock over 100m.

In OPS, this 1 TON of rock is divided into 1000 equal weighing pebbles. What you have to do is flick each one, one by one, everyday. You have make sure u never lose track of one, and make sure that they all go over their obstacles smoothly.

In PROJECTS, this 1 TON of rock is simply a 1 TON BOULDER. You've got to move it over 100m. It will move. But it's gonna be SLOW and take lots and lots and lots of work.

In projects, there's FOCUS. In ops, each task is relatively easy.

In projects, you can start work late, but leave the office LATE. In ops, you MUST start work early, but you may leave the office early.

Which do you prefer?

song of the day is "Unbeautiful" by Lesley Roy...

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