Saturday, January 17, 2009

me, myself and I hate repetitions...

Do you know to act cute? And no, not BEING CUTE, but ACTING CUTE. If you want to BE cute, just dress nice and smile more and be a little more sarcastic. ACTING cute however, has nothing to do with dressing up nice, or smiling, or having some gray matter up there under your dented skull.

ACTING CUTE is all about WORDS.

Yes words.

And more specifically, REPETITION OF WORDS.

Allow me give an example. The following is a perfectly NORMAL paragraph of words.

I was damn pissed off with the boss. He had the nerve to pile on tonnes of work on my desk. And the next minute, he was scolding me for not contributing enough work. So i snapped. I grabbed my pencil and drove it into his eye. I twirled it around to scramble his brains, sending him into spasms that reminded me of a dying chicken. After vomiting and pissing his pants, he finally collapsed on the floor and died like the bitch that he is.

Ok, that's all for that. I will now make a few minor changes and transform this paragraph into a pile of utterly fake cuteness. OBSERVE.

I was damn damn damn pissed off with the boss, can? He hor (WHORE?), had the nerve to pile pile pile tonnes of work on my desk. And the next minute, he was scolding me for not not not contributing enough work. So i snapped snapped snapped lo. Hee hee hee... I grabbed my pencil and drove it into his eye. Tee hee hee... Me, myself and I twirled it around to scramble his brains, sending him into spasms that reminded me of a dying dying dying chicken. After vomiting and pissing his pants, he finally collapsed on the floor and died like the bitch that he is. So gross. *squeals*

That is called ACTING CUTE. AND STOP CAMERA WHORING. I would be ashamed to be a pixel these days, bcos these days, pixels are used for nothing more than meaningless scenary with apparently "DEEP" emotional significance to the photographer. Repeated FAILED photographs, which are pictures of a few people, but one person goofing off and rendering the photo a FAILURE, are not something to be proud off. The next picture should show everyone else beating the shit out of that ass for screwing up a perfectly good shot.

You know how long it took to get my hair like that and find the perfect angle of my face with the light?? Fucking bastard.

oh yeah, GUESS WAHT??

I just see an ocean, you asshole. I dont "see" anything else in that plain shot of the indian ocean. Dun bluff la. I bet it's just macritchie and u photoshopped out the trees la. I dont care if u cried while thinking about your life while sailing on a fucking cruise ship with ur gf. For all i know, you're lying about the gf bcos I DONT SEE A SINGLE PIC OF HER. Hahahha!! No evidence at all? Or is ur gf ur HAND? Hahahahhahahahahaa...

Stop wasting pixels. They are ashamed of you. Seriously.

Just burn that camera. If only makes you look stupid.

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