Wednesday, September 2, 2009

brief movies...

Ok ok, seeing as how Sarah just mentioned something abt The Proposal, it got me thinking abt some movies.

I know i know, i think i made a post abt this before. I think i named a few great scenes frm a few movies i loved. The link is HERE. Good times.

Anyway, this is to CONTINUE that. Except, i'll keep it a little SHORTER. Just a LINE from a movie that i like.

I'll run them off the top of my head.

ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND - By Joel, as he sees Clementine acknowlege him by lifting her cup of coffee in his direction.
"Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?"

AS GOOD AS IT GETS - By Melvin Udall, when asked about how he knows about women so well.
"I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."

BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S - By Holly Golightly, as Paul inquires about her disapproval, as she sprays perfume into his face.
"Tough beans, buddy, 'cause that's the why it's gonna be."

F.E.A.R. (Ok, this is a computer game, but seriously, it could've been a great movie) - By a recorded a tearful Harlan Wade, moments before the daughter he imprisoned in a cryotube, emerges and tears him to shreds.
"It is the way of men to make monsters, and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."

LOTR: THE TWO TOWERS - By Theoden, as he surveys he contemplates his fortress being overrun by the Orcs of Mordor.
"What can men do against such reckless hate?"

THE BLACK CAULDRON (This disney cartoon is special to me. It was released the same year i was born and has perhaps the most sinister cartoon villian EVER. Check it out.) By Dallben, as he laments on young Taran. By the way, Taran finds a magical sword, rescues a princess, finds world threatening artefact, makes friends, invades castle, saves princess again, kills evil badass king AND manages to keep his pet pig alive through it all... all in a span of wat, 2-3 days?
"So much so soon, to rest on his young shoulders."

PULP FICTION - By Captain Koons, as he retells the story of how a priceless watch ended up in his care to be given to the son of a friend of his. Watch it here.
"The way your daddy looked at it, this watch was your birthright."

GIGLI - By Christopher Walken's character. Other than the sexy Jennifer Lopez, this ONE scene is the only reason to watch it. Here, Walken talks about how he WANTS PIE.
"Put some on your head! Your tongue'd slap your brains out trying to get to it!"

Ok, it's almost 1am. Enough of the movies.

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