Monday, September 28, 2009

free F1...

A little over 7 days have passed since i last blogged. And its been mainly due to the barrage of work that has flooded over this place.

Thanks to Hari Raya and Faizal coming down with the Chickenpox (lucky bastard), a ton of work has been sent flying in my direction.

Meeting on Saturday was VERY mellow. Mr Khoo wasnt there to stir the pot so MBS guys were just asking cedric and I a few minor questions and told us to check up on this and that... blah blah blah...

Then i hopped on a bus and went back to JB for a quick lunch and dinner with mom. Nothing better to do since that bugger zs betrayed me and went home.

Pigged out on sushi and thai food. I have a new place to bring the guys to next time.

Got a free look at the F1 Warm Up on Friday night. The whole gang of us climbed to the top of Hotel Tower 3 to watch the cars go by. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT THE DAMN THING. The track is sooooooooo fucking narrow that there's no room to overtake! Even curring corners is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.

Anyway, that didnt stop it from causing a massive jam.

Tennis on Sunday was okay. I am NOT playing as well as i used to. SOMETHING IS WRONG. But serves were exceptionally good today. I have no idea why. It is screwed up - this form of mine.

I had some controversial topic to talk abt but now i've forgotten. Fuck it. It'll come later.

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