Monday, February 1, 2010

and u wonder why doctors always try to prescribe euthanasia to me...

So the OD-ing on cough syrup didnt work. But it felt good. REALLY good.

Switched to Nin Jiom stuff. Yeah i dunno how to say it in english, but *that* stuff.

So i goto the see the doctor. I go there, sit down and wondering, "How long does this doctor take?" Bcos there were about 10 pple in there already, but no one's moving in or out of the doctor's room.

Turns out the doctor wasnt even in. He waltzed in at about 930am, with a huge packet of cha kuey tiao... WTF.

Anyway, 45min later, it's my turn. Im in and out like a flash. Sore throat, flu, phlegm and no year-end bonus - doctor hands the prescription to the nurse.

Another 10 min later, nurse calls me to the pharmaceutical booth. The nurse is old and wrinkly - like a walking Sunrasia Prune.

He puts a packet of red/blue pills on the counter-top.

Nurse: "This is for anti-biotics."

Me: "Oh so this had anti-biotics in it?"

Nurse: (stares at me for 2 secs) "... ... Yes."

Me: "Okay."

Now she puts another pack of pills on the counter.

Nurse: "This is for flu and dizziness."

Me: "Why?"

Nurse: "Huh?"

Me: "You mean this will give me flu and dizziness?"

Nurse: "No no no la... this one PREVENT flu and dizziness."

Me: "Orh... so the first one GIVES me anti-biotics, but this one STOPS flu and dizziness?"

Nurse: (irritated) "... ... OF COURSE LA."

Me: "Okaay, thanks."

Nurse now puts a bottle of cough medicine on the counter.

Nurse: "This is one is f...."

She stops suddenly and glares at me. I stare at her, waiting for her sentence. 3 seconds pass.

Nurse: "This is one will... ... ... STOP... ... your cough."

Me: "Ok thanks."

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