Monday, February 22, 2010

a lesson in pain...

The weekend sucked.

Woke up on Friday with a sharp pain in my right. I thought it was nothing. Got to work and it got worse and worse and worse. By the time dinner was over, and we were having drinks, it was actually FUCKING EXCRUCIATING. It actually hurt more when i was sitting down. And the whole dinner was spent on a stiff wooden frame chair.

No offence to the Boathouse. But i mean, it's called the BOATHOUSE. U'd expect the BOATHOUSE to have FUCKING AWESOME SEAFOOD, right? Apparently this is not so. I ordered the goddamn Atlantic pink snapper and when it arrived, the table was laughing. WTF??

MacDonald's fillet of fish had more fish in it than mine! I couldve finished that meal in 4 bites. FOUR FUCKING BITES!! Most fail fish ever. I have the worse luck with ordering food. Next time i'll just stick to the pasta. U cant go wrong with pasta.

Anyway, by the time we went for drinks, it felt like someone driving a red hot metal stake into side. And twisting it about. *twist twist twist* Get the picture?

A couple of drinks helped alleviate the pain slightly.

Got home and didnt sleep a wink. I think i slept 15min total that night. Tossed and turned until i realized the sun was up. Dragged myself to the doctor.

Doctor immediately suspected could be appendicitis. Oh Shit.

Thank god he gave me some painkillers to go with the bloodtests and all. It would take a day to confirm the results. But in the meantime, i should just monitor and if the pain gets so bad that the painkillers dont work, then i should just go straight to the hospital, the doctor said.

So basically i had to wait until i died or not. Spent the rest of the day eating oatmeal and porridge. OATMEAL AND PORRIDGE. Remember Oliver Twist? Yeah shit like that.

Thankfully, i was meeting someone at botanical gardens, and this forced me to drag myself out of bed and move my legs. My friend was also in pain, a different kind of pain. By the time we were having dinner, pain was almost gone. Amazing.

I guess exercise and movement are the best cures for any ailment. No more lying in bed.

Tennis sucked on Sunday too. Just wasnt moving right. Shitty weekend.

There had better be a good compensation for this. Like a million bucks in my duffel bag.

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