Friday, February 12, 2010


Holy shit it's been awhile.

Anyway, today's entry is about something that happened a week ago actually, but I kept getting distracted frm blogging abt it. It's about time.

I'm walking out on a late Sunday morning to fetch some ingredients for pasta. Dont ask me why but i had a craving for home-made pasta suddenly. Meatballs. Meatballs too. Too bad I live too far frm any Ikea to fulfil that end. Frozen beefballs would have to suffice.

But that's not the point.

The point came abruptly as I was walking down the slope leading away frm my apartment and suddenly I hear a MUFFLED scream, and a screech from a car, and a dull crunch, coming frm behind me. Actually it wasnt really a crunch. It was more like a squish, but with something in the middle.

You know they always talk about outside juicy inside crispy about some kind of snack or something? Yeah imagine something juicy on the outside with a crispy centre getting squashed and that's the sound it would make.

I'll give you some time to think about it.





Ok, moving on.

So i turn around, and the muffled scream is actually from a lady INSIDE the car that came screeching to a halt. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but she's getting out of the car in a dreadful hurry. She scuttles over to the side of the car and starts half-sobbing and half-screaming to her husband (he's the driver).

Being a Singaporean PR, i am entitled to being kaypoh, so i cross the street and peer over to the side the hysterical lady was on.

Oh Man... They ran over a CAT.

Yeah, that sound u just imagined? That's the sound of a cat getting it's back broken by an SUV with GoodYear tyres. Guess it wasnt such a "good year" for the cat eh? hehehe... sorry abt that...

The lady is screaming "Oh my God! Oh No! This is terrible!!"

And the house opposite opens its gates. An old lady comes running out, and im thinking, "OMG! DRAMA!! Here's comes the confrontation!"

The lady stops at the sight of the cat and covers her mouth with her hands.

And yeah, she starts crying and screaming too.

BY THE WAY, THE CAT IS STILL ALIVE HOR. I can see the rise and fall of the chest and it meows softly. But stops after the old lady starts screaming for about 10 seconds. It died peacefully to the sound of two ladies screaming.

Im watching the drama, totally immersed in kaypoh-ishness.

The old lady asks what happened. Apparently the cat had ran across the road and had almost reached the other side when it saw the oncoming car. The driver tot the cat would run on and so it didnt slow down. Turns out the cat had forgotten his keys or something, and U-turned just before it reached the other side, totally surprising the driver.

And squish-crunch happened.

So the lady frm the car turns to the old lady and says "Im soooooooooooooo sorry about ur cat..." while sobbing.

And the old lady comes up with a CLASSIC LINE, "It's not my cat."


I take a closer look and realize. ORH... it's a stray.

But i know this stray. The security guards frm my place feed it every now and then. So i hiked back up the hill to the guardhouse and inform the guards. The guard is distressed to say the least, and scampers to his part-time pet.

He doesnt cry, but u can tell he feels really BAD. He gets a black plastic bag and packages the corpse, for... ... i dunno, evidence... or something. The old lady gets out a bucket and washes the blood away.

And life goes on. Sobbing lady climbs into car and leaves. Old lady goes back into house and starts watching channel 8 comedy shows. Guard goes back to guardhouse and in a moving tribute to the dead cat, starts playing hip-hop bangra music. Fitting.

And i go to the NTUC.

Shit, i never knew there was so much blood in one cat... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww.... PASTA?

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