Thursday, February 25, 2010

... for the soul?

Campbell has come up with the best soup ever - Chicken Vegetable Medley. Basically, it's chicken soup with vegetables and large chunks of chicken in it. The stuff goes great with anything.

I almost began to believe, at one point, that i was ADDICTED to the stuff.

But then i realized it wasnt just me.

Just came home today frm a LONG LONG day at work. The airconditioning has been down for the 7th straight day. SEVENTH day. And dont forget, my office is a freakin metal container. At around 330pm, you could walk up to me, stick a fork in my ass and call me "Done". Even the water cooler water was beginning to get WARM. And that's a problem.

I had a shouting competition with the air-conditioning serviceman, demanding why is it that in the case of Samsung, there ISNT A SINGLE SPARE COMPRESSOR FAN IN THE WHOLE OF SINGAPORE. They gotta order frm overseas - that'll take 4 weeks.

WTF??? 4 weeks for a fucking compressor fan? I think they really take this Six Sigma crap a little too seriously over there.

Anyway, that aside, i was boiling when i got home. Thank god i had a can of Chicken Vegetable Medley. (Cue music as i pose smiling with the stuff. "Try it today!")

Well, i take a shower as the soup cooks in the microwave and when im done, so is the soup. I can already smell it as i enter the kitchen. I take it out of the microwave and a huge steamy cloud of homemade goodness fills the rooms.


The moment was SOOOOOOOOOO awesome, in fact, that SOMETHING had to spoil it. Now, i would've been cool with any kind of option.

1) I spill the soup and it's all gone.

2) I sneeze into the soup.

3) Aliens appear and steal my soup.

4) I spill the soup, and just as i'm about to catch it, i sneeze and as my eyes are closed, aliens appear and steal it.

Any combination. Fine with me.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The worse had to happen.

The cloud of steam had just emerged from the lid no more than 5 seconds, when suddenly, there was a LOUD PLOP and a huge drop of soup landed on my nose.

I scream. Not bcos of the soup on my nose, but bcos of the CAUSE.

I am not the only one who loves Campbell's Chicken Vegetable Medley.

Lizards love it too.

The bastard basically did a swan dive right into the centre of the bowl. He struggles, splashing about, trying to clutch onto a piece of carrot or tomato, but his efforts are in vain. He's too far from the edge of the bowl to make a swim for it.

The lizard is literally, in hot soup.

U can imagine my horror as i watch the light brown lizard turn white and stop struggling.

By the way, for those who are cooking-inclined, u probably know that when the meat is white, it's more or less DONE.

So yeah it was done. The little fucker had committed suicide in my soup. Rest in piece, you son of a bitch.

Other than that, it was a nostalgic day. The heat of the day makes you whoozy and u start looking at things in a dreamy state.

But no, i didnt watch the lizard struggle in the soup and go "Awwww..."

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