Sunday, December 28, 2008

christmas summary...

ok so it was christmas. And we had a helluva holiday. My body is aching to the point of retirement.

Mom came out to sg on Tuesday for the Converse and G2000 Warehouse sales. My place is DAMN near all those warehouses so can easily go - less than 5min drive. Anyway, the Converse sale reminded me of my age - EVERYTHING there was too young for me to wear. Gone are the days when i would wear a shirt that said something random - waaaaaaaay too childish. Damn stupid. Nowadays, it's all about the polo shirt - which is kinda sad, really.

In stark contrast to the IMMENSELY popular Converse sale, the G2000 sale was as dead as graveyard - NO ONE THERE AT ALL. Seriously. WTF mann... The Converse sale was soooo crowded, i almost couldnt breathe properly. Anyway, bought a few shirts. Nothing much.

Then it was all about tennis. Tennis for 3 days in a row, each day lasting almost 3.5hours on court. Insanity and total exhaustion. I dont think i need to play tennis for the next 2 weeks or so.

Nah, just kidding - i'll still play.

The only problem was the street soccer courts beside us were CONSTANTLY being occupied by PRCs playing the SHITTIEST SOCCER ON THE PLANET, or by Ind*an nationals playing the LOSEREST SPORT ON THE PLANET CRICKET. It was enough to send me into stark raving spitting madness each time a dirty soccer or cricket ball rolled over.

And it also didnt help that the PRC who kept asking us for the ball back was a GODDAMN HIPPO on STILTS. From the waist up, he was an obscenity to the eyes. GARGANTUOUS man boobs and enough spare tyres for a double decker bus, added to a head that had no resemblance of a chin or cheeks - just a fucking lump of skin with eyes, a mouth and a voice - a high pitched crap of a voice - the kind of voice that would make u burst out laughing if he were to give a speech at Eva Longoria's funeral. But from the waist down, he had NOTHING on his legs. It's as though the fat from his stomach just spread to that local area and no where else. FUCKED UP AS HELL. I could see the BONES in is legs. If he were stand on one leg, that one leg would CONFIRM SHATTER INTO A MILLION SHARDS OF BONE. CONFIRM!!! What the fuck is that? And he's playing a STRIKER??? Go and die la! Go back to ur farmlands and plant some tapioca la dirt shit. Dont bring ur ugly fat dna to this part of the world can?? Just fucking disappear and take the whole lot with u!!

*Ahem* but enough about that.

So what did i get for christmas? NOTHING, im saving up for something will only be released near the end of January or the start of February. Besides, i've spent enough on food and dinners for the last few days.

In the meantime - Happy New Year. It's this Wednesday.

Song of the day is "We Cry" by The Script...

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