Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a little unrelated...

I dunno what to say. Suddenly, i am "blessed" with not one, but TWO Blackberries!

No la. It's all for experimental purpose, but that didnt stop me from popping my sim card into one of them and spending a good 1-2 hours playing with it. The blackberries will be used for TOP SECRET missions involving starhub. Sssshh... dont tell anyone i said that.

Also, in a very VERY suay situation, i was planning to go bed EARLY yesterday, when a horrible thing happened.

A moth, the size of a small bird flew into the apartment and wouldnt leave, no matter how many textbooks Jasper threw at it.

Of course, i had to do something, and since i did have the best serve so far (tennis again), i grabbed my spare racquet and went moth-bird hunting. Just so that you know, my primary playing racquet is strung with gut, but my spare racquet is made for wet weather, and it's strung with ALU POWER - which is a stiff poly string with added ALUMINIUM fibres for extra zip. I got it in my head that i would BEAN the moth dead on and SHRED it into oblivion.

Imagining a shredded moth spirling out the window and to its death (provided the strike doesnt kill it first), was enough to make me forget how small my apartment is. I found the moth and i swung at it.


And i smacked the LIGHT instead, shattering the light bulb. A good 1.5 hours later, I had swept, vaccuumed and swept again until all the glass bits of the light bulb were gone, and i wasnt in danger of impaling my toes on a shard of treacherous glass. And it was about 1am. DAMNIT!

And i have to wake up EARLIER than usual tomorrow (we have a training session at 730am scheduled). This put me on REDLINE and so i was on a mission.


But it was no where to be found. I was sadded. So sadded.

But there is a light side to the story, as i was ironing my clothes for the next day, it popped out from behind the curtains and i took a swing at it - with the IRON.

I hit it, amazingly. The moth tumbled to the floor, dead, and missing a wing. Said wing was stuck onto the hot iron, MELTING and vaporising away like a vampire after u throw holy water on it. Sickening and disgusting - but i couldnt turn away. I wont talk about the smell, bcos that would bring my dinner back up my throat.

song of the day is "I Shall Not Walk Along" by the Blind Boys of Alabama...

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