Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Ok ok, fine, I guess this is a little overdue.

Goals for 2010:

1) Save more $$.
Duh, I mean really. I want more $$. I need more $$. As long as u have $$, u are happy. And you can buy more icecream, tennis racquets, clothes, shoes etc...

2) Enter a Tennis Tourney
Oh yeah, definitely. Gonna find the time to do it. For sure. Sooner or later.

3) Pass the 300 Workout
This refers to the "graduation" test that the actors and stuntmen in 300 took after their months of training.

The workout is:
25 pullups
50 deadlifts at 135lbs
50 pushups
50 box jumps on a 24inch box
50 "floor wipers" with 135lbs
50 "clean & press"
25 more pullups

Just so you know, all the main actors in that movie FAILED it.

4) Get mom and dad something really nice for their anniversary
'Nuff said.

5) Remember the anniversary date for (4)
Just as important as (4).

6) Get a f'kin promotion & a pay raise

7) Get a better computer

8) Smile a little more
Last year wasnt very "smile"-friendly. I intend to make this year much better. It's not about reaching the personal goals to make yourself happy, but rather, to find happiness in whatever situation im in. Worse come to worse, i'll just play more ball.

That's all for my resolutions.

But today also marks the end of 4 straight days of tennis, in whatever time, in whatever weather. Unfortunately, everyone who planned this, or at least, acknowledged this, didnt make it. Only hua hui and I managed to brave 4 days of heat, humidity, courtside noobs and near exhaustion.

The rest FAILED. I dont care why or whatever. FAIL is fail. LOL...

The reason why I made it a point to play for 4 days straight, was not so much to play a lot and feel very suang. No. It's about consistency.

No one can play for 4 days straight and outright thrash everyone for 4 days straight. One day, u'll be one, one day u'll be off. The objective of these days was to find your game and learn how to play for life - To realize how you have to play and dedicate yourself to consistency.

Consistency above power, spin and all that other nonsense. If you can play for 4 days straight with the same style and not feel you have to change much, then u have a tennis game. And u have every right to be satisfied.

Ok, enuff about the fuzzy yellow balls.

Work is calling. My boss had a breakdown while I was absent for 1 day. Boo hoo hoo... can't wait for tuesday.

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