Wednesday, January 13, 2010

tales from beyond balestier - reloaded

The usual night run brought a different kind of chill tonight.

Was doing the usual round at whampoa (yes, that forbidden zone). And today was a little later than usual. Usually, i make my round at around 11pm, so there's still a few cars zooming by, plus a few straggling kids walking around.

Today, or should i say, tonight, i ran at half-past midnight.

Not a person in sight. No car to be heard.

Just the sound of shoes scrapping on tar.

My route takes me past a kids' playground, surrounded on all sides, by pine trees. Uncommon as they are, yeah, about a dozen pine trees, in a neat box shape, surrounding this playground. And of course, there were no kids.

This time, i decide to run through it.

As I turn the corner and enter the playground - I hear it.

A sharp metallic squeak. The sound of an uncoiled joint being turned. A swing makes the slightest of movement as it swings, with an amplitude of probably no more than 5-10cm. (yeah i actually used AMPLITUDE). I instinctively begin to time the oscillations, unfortunately i dont have a curve ruler to plot the graph and find the gradient.

Now, im sure u realize how odd this is, bcos for those of you who have seen playgrounds, you almost never see a SINGLE swing set. It's typically, 2 to 3 maybe even 4 swings in a row. This set had three.

The middle one was swinging. The other two by the side... were not. And there was no breeze - i mean, we were surrounded by pine trees. Not a rustle to be heard. Only the sound of a single swing moving.

I tot it was kinda odd - i mean, why'd the guy spray WD-40 on the other 2 but not the centre one??

I make the run out of the playground, out to the main road. And just as i get to it, i hear a ringing of a bell. It's coming about 20m frm my right, i estimate.

A bicycle.

No matter. I stop right at the road, preparing to cross after the bicycle passes.

No bicycle ever arrives.

No im a little spooked. I distinctly heard that sound. The sound of a hammer striking a bell several times in rapid succession - the undeniable sound of a bicycle bell. But nothing, not even the sound of rubber on a road, nor the creaking of brakes, nor the sound of pedals shifting as feet pedal them. Nothing.

The final straw comes as I turn the final corner to my apartment and I knock into something. I feel the frizzy hair, and smell the strong scent of lavendar, or some kind of flower. Long sharp nails dig into my skin, and the horrible visage starts cackling and babbling in indescribable words.

OMFG, I bumped into a prostitute! Cheeeeeeeeeeey...

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