Saturday, August 29, 2009

depressed accomplishments...

Perhaps we should all get depressed.

A life of depression has so much MEANING - "apparent" meaning.

One can sit under a tree, use absolutely no energy and that would be considered WORK in the terms of depression.

But im serious. Seriously. Serially.

Depression DOES seem to pay off. Indiana Jones hearthrob and current fav of my mom, Harrison Ford, suffers from depression. And i tot womanizing was supposed to be inspiringly happy. The talented lead singer of Nirvana Kurt Cobain was a brilliant songwriter and performer, until he peered down the wrong end of a shotgun. And who can forget the great Bootylicious herself, Beyonce Knowles?? Yeap. She's one depressed booty girl.

But depression doesnt just seem to breed careers in the entertainment. I mean they can ACT, so who's to say they aint just acting depressed??

My fav example would be a Japanese man named Hideko Anno. A struggling artist and writer for a small animation company in the middle of Tokyo is not one's idea of a good life. But what did he churn up instead.

My friends, Hideko Anno, is the founder of the multi-million-dollar franchise of Neon Genesis Evangelion - an iconic animation series. And yeah, u guessed it, all the characters died in the end. At least it seemed they did. Every time i watch it, it's a brain fuck.

For those who prefer jolly english examples, look no further than J.K. Rowling, who, suffering from depression, and lack of funds, wrote a series of books abt flying broomsticks, golden snitches, seekers and magical schools. Jeezuz... wat kinda MEDICATION was she on??? Or perhaps no "seeker" was going after her "golden snitch" for TOO long a time?

Let's not forget that depression can spark the trully remarkable.

Let me tell u a story abt a man born 3 months after his father died. Shit. He was born prematurely. Shit. Then his mother remarries a reverend, and he doesnt like it. (Cue Joker voice) Not. One. Bit. He threatens to burn down the house with them in it.

He was bullied in school, and it inspired him to become the top student. But of course, the bullying didnt stop. Hehe, nice try bro.

And JUST AFTER he got his degree with top scores and honors above honors or watever, the uni was closed down. Bcos the SARS was going around. *AHEM* Sorry, i mean the Great Plague. WTF rite? Fuckin sway.

And just as he was out and about, getting all UBER depressed abt how fucked up his life was, he sat down under a tree and wallowed in self-misery.

And even then, he could not be allowed some moment of peace in which he could inflict incalculable mental self-torture. Jeez mann, wat's a guy got to do get some peace and depression around here??? Y'know why?

The idiot was sitting under an apple tree.

And DAMN SUAY ah. One fucking apple fell. Hit him square on his depressed little head.

Issac Newton then went home and wrote abt how deep and tragic this one stupid falling apple. And he named that book... the Principia.

So there u have it. All of our life's work on mechanics and gravity is all the ranting of some goth depressed guy.

Read it and weep.

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