Monday, August 10, 2009

long time coming...

The gathering on Saturday was great. Unbelieveably great. Pk and I were discussing this over dinner, that for the last god-knows-how-long monkey years, we've been trying to put this together. But each time we made calls, someone overseas la, someone cannot make it la... blah blah blah...

This time, everyone whom we called said YES. It was amazing.

I left singapore on Friday nite, 10pm, knowing fully well the task at hand. I had to get back to JB, braving the humongous traffic jams and smelly ind*ans... and hitch a ride on a cab (WITHOUT getting cheated) and get home without getting robbed, or mugged, or raped, or all 3.

Heaven intervened. I like to think that somewhere out there, an angel saw my tears of anguish and hatred, and was moved by my racism (the angel was probably racist too) and vanquished all cars and ind*ans frm the buses that night.


And then, when i get to jb, im amazed to see that there's a new cabbie system. I have to BUY A TICKET, after telling the counter lady where i want to go, then i just hand the ticket to the cab that im taking. Simple as that.

Unfortunately the taxi driver was frm the Italian Job and race through midnight jb like a thief making a getaway. I was praying - pls dont let me die in a Proton Saga, of all places...

So i got back home. And it was empty. As expected, mom was up in KL for the weekend. So I was KING. KING OF THE HOUSE.

Anyway, nothing happened. A house all to urself is kinda creepy at times, bcos if u're home alone, and u hear a noise... WTF mann, im the only person here rite??? Im alone... RITE???

This a quick reminder to never watch horror shows on HBO when u're home alone.

Woke up on saturday 11am - feeling a million bucks.

Had breakfast, and cooked lunch. I was rusty. VERY rusty, almost burned the fish. Panfried black pepper fish fillet with brown/white rice.

Watched some tennis, played piano, did some housework and POOF!! it was 5pm.

Sze Wei came over early since she was in the neighbourhood. And we drove down to city square to pick up Shufan. OMFG Shufan??!?!!! Can u remember her??!?!

Anyway, we met up with the rest of the click at Modern Revelation... which is a fancy schmancy name for "Hot Pot and Grill restaurant".

Ate and talked, and caught up, and talked somemore and headed over to Siaowen's place... for more talking and card games and started accusing each other of being murderers and such...

Watched a movie - A hugely stereotypical and HIGHLY americanized movie... called G.I.Joe... real american hero, my ASS. Fucking boring. Eventhough it was none stop action, everything happened as i predicted. Retarded. Dont watch it.

The best part was at the end, when the Evil Master finally dons his mask and calls himself "COBRA COMMANDER", he's immediately surrounded and arrested, crying out, "This isnt over." LOLZ... Epic FAIL can?

But other than that, it was a great gathering. Nice to see many faces again. Hopefully, there will be more next time.

Sixeff still gg strong.

Song of the day is "Hoppipolla" by Sigur Ros... AGAIN...

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