Sunday, August 23, 2009

minor details over a weekend...

Wat the hell. An emotional airport reunion turned sour by the useless pigs back at Amsterdam.

Saturday was a great day, or at least, it was SUPPOSED to be a great day. Woke up late at 9am. Didnt have to go to work, so that was awesome. Took my time to surf the net, have breakfast. Then mom came over at 1230pm. Went out for lunch, did some shopping and had a stopover at a bookshop. Everything was great.

Went to the airport. No jam. Great.

The belt that dad's flight was schedule to arrive at was right in front of the escalator as we got in. Great.

The flight arrived EARLIER than expected!! Great.

Then dad appeared quickly too. Great.

Nothing could've gone wrong now rite?


And after about 10min of waiting, it slowly dawned on us. Dad was here, but his luggage wasnt.

Apparently it was still touring Amsterdam. After almost 15min of checking with airlines and a few more calls, they realized that YEAP, it was back in Amsterdam. Fucking airport services couldnt work fast enough to get the luggage from one plane to the next, eventhough they were parked RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Fucking retards.

Anyway, they would have the luggage delivered to JB by the next day, at a local hotel that would call us ASAP. Wateva.

Mom was SIAN beyond words by the time dad came out. Still, other than that, it was a great day. Just that one small detail.

Went back to jb just to spend the night and enjoy some bakuteh and icecream (not served together of course). And then sped on back to sg for some tennis.

Tennis update: Wrist is fine. Wrapping an additional overgrip and depolarizing the racquet with some strategic tape really helped. And i even noticed that my overhead smash was steadier with the larger grip. Perhaps a larger grip really helps for me. We'll see. Zs was suffering a hangover from a yesterday chalet, so no rival to test me. LK and HH were enuff though, and im feeling no pain watsoeva. Let next week by the final test.

Go Fed, Cincinnati is YOURS.

And welcome home dad. We missed you big time.

And welcome to Facebook mom. Here goes nothing.

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