Sunday, August 16, 2009

a roaring good time

~It was an awesome day~. Really. If words could transmit feelings, you'd feel an ENORMOUS amount of sarcasm coming from your monitor. So much sarcasm, that, failing to wear explosion proof masks, the flesh would peel itself from your face, turn into balls, roll upwards over the hills and bury themselves at the foot of Mount Olympus.

Yes, that much.

~~~It was an awesome day, indeed~~~

It started in the morning, when i awoke peacefully to birds chirping, cars rumbling, buses honking, children crying and a silent handphone. SILENT??? HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD!!! What time is it????

It was 7:22am. I had sworn to wake up early and prep all my stuff for this morning's meeting, which was to be held at 9am SHARP.

Looks like there's no money to be saved here. Packed up as quickly as i could, heaved my tennis bag onto my shoulders and flagged a taxi to the office. I slept on the taxi, but awoke in time to save the dumb uncle frm making a wrong turn and landing me on the other side of the island.

I got into the office at 830am. SHARP. Had 30min to prepared for the meeting. I paid S$12 for that taxi ride.

~~~It was an Awesome Day~~~

So the meeting started at 9am. And i was out of breath already. Working at light speed for 30min, before a major meeting, and doing all of this on fucking saturday can leave u breathless. Breathless which utter RAGE.

So anyway, i was prepared. But what i wasnt prepared for, was that my BOSS, jolly good chap that he is, got his portion wrong. And we're supposed to be synchronised for this meeting.

And of course, the MBS pple at the meeting are like vultures. They leap at the first sign of blood. And from then on, it was 3 hrs of tearing us to shreds.

It's not professional to say "Oh it's my boss' fault, not me, nah nah nah nah nah...". I could only hang my head and ride it out. And OH, what a wave it was.

Remember those vids that u see of surfers, riding massive tidal waves, and massive as in, The Day After Tomorrow *THAT* kind of massive? Yeah like that, with 20foot LASER SHARKS underneath. Laser sharks are just like regular sharks. Only, they have... LASERS.

When it was all said and done, i felt like i had just been violated by a 30ft electrified pole wrapped with barbed wire, dipped in itching powder.

I was ready to throw up my breakfast, if they would've like to see what Cereal and Eggs look like when half digested.

And that concluded the Saturday Day at the office. And oh yesh, i've got homework to do on Sunday, for Monday.

~~~ It was an AwEsOmE dAy~~~

So i meet up with zs at queensway. He wanted to buy a shirt and all, and guess what, so did I. I had my eye on a red or white sleeveless shirt. Seeing as how the weather SUCKED these past few days, i tot a cooler outfit was in order. I buy the shirt, but seeing as how i prefer a slightly looser fit this time, I bought an XL size, 2 sizes larger than what i usually get.

As we headed down to the tennis court, i took a quick detour and tried on the sleeveless. It was HUGE. Like a fucking wedding ball dress. Really. If a gust of wind caught it, i would've swelled up like a puffer fish.

So we headed back to Queensway to get it changed for a different size. NO CAN DO. The shop said that THIS particular kind of apparel CANT BE CHANGED because it's supposed to be a compression type or something and they're afraid that i've stretched it.

I explained to them. "Look it's TOO BIG, I didnt stretch it at all. If it was TOO SMALL, then i'd understand, but this is different. I just bought this TODAY. Just tried it on for a few seconds and then took it off, no stretching wat so ever."

They wouldnt budge. Fuckers just couldnt understand what i was saying, even when they checked it and turned it around in their hands. The fabric was untouched. FUCKERS.

I spent S$50 on a sleeveless red wedding dress.

I swear. Im gg to sneak back in there and STEAL the shirt of correct size. I WILL STEAL IT. MARK MY WORDS.

~~~ It was an AWESOME DAY ~~~

And lastly, i sucked at tennis today. Everything was off. Either it was the stress from work, or the weather, or the fucking dress-shirt, or all three. I sucked today. I will not suck tomorrow.

But i did indeed, SUCK TODAY.

At least dinner was FINE. KFC always eases the soul.


Can you feel the sarcasm?

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