Friday, August 28, 2009

hail fridays

So yesterday sucked. As do most days. But then again, it's becoming more and more routine, to the degree that if a day sucks, then it's pretty cool.

Today is trully epic. I remember there's this Magic The Gathering card which, when played, returns all cards to the deck and u lose all cards in your hand and basically makes ALL that u've done up to that point COMPLETELY WORTHLESS. Im pretty sure u got to do a dance too... will confirm later.

Im sure the name of the card is something like EPIC UPHEAVAL OF MONUMENTAL FAILURE, so some other quaint title.

And just like the titular card above, today was just as such. Tomorrow (A FUCKING SATURDAY) is the presentation date. Just me and my blur Project Manager facing a panel of MBS clients, to present our progress and all. This progress is compiled from spreadsheets submitted to me frm my colleagues. Typically, its a breeze to prepare.


This morning, to my horror, i find that one of my colleagues has OVERHAULED the programme that SO PAINSTAKINGLY done. And incomplete summore.

Now i got to redo all my tabulations and formulas... It is 9am in the morning.

Nothing says Fuck U like a kick in the nuts on a Friday. I need to burn something now...

In other words, THIS is fucking funny. I will do this the next time i eat seafood.

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